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No long
list of titles here. Just five little books, but what books
they are! Here
are my absolute favorites -- books that can energize your marketing
and make you a ton of money.
are interested in practical, proven, battle-tested marketing
ideas that work in the real world, don't think, just click.
Seriously, these are all extraordinarily valuable books that
you will thank me over and over again for having recommended.
(Because I'm an Amazon.com Associate, you can order online right
now by clicking on the titles below. Amazon.com has a thirty-day
return policy so you don't risk a thing when you order.) Let
me know how you liked them!
22 Immutable Laws of Marketing by Al Ries & Jack Trout
they are, all in one place -- the 22 marketing rules that you
simply have to know to succeed. This gem of a book is jammed-packed
with real-life examples, practical suggestions, and time-tested
ideas you can put to work TODAY. It doesn't matter what your product
or service is -- 22 Immutable Laws can help you big time! One
nice thing about this book is that it is a lot of fun to read.
It's short, to the point, and even has fun illustrations. This
is the book I send to friends and clients. This is the book I
read twice a year, EVERY year. This is the book Lucie Salhany,
the President of Twentieth Century Fox calls "the best book on
marketing I've ever read." Don't miss it! Click
here to order or find out more. |
Marketing: Turning Strangers Into Friends, and Friends into
Customers by Seth Godin
Week called Seth Godin "the ultimate entrepreneur for the Information
Age" and believe me, his book has more great ideas per square
inch than you'll find anyplace else. Seth, an old friend and former
Vice-President of Direct Marketing for Yahoo!, has specific ideas
you can use for building profits on the Web. Tom Peters says "Seth
Godin moves to the front ranks of Internet Marketing Gurus with
this masterful book. It's trite to say it, but this is a real
'must read.'" If you are an Internet marketer, click on the title
and check out Seth's book at Amazon right now. It is, in a word,
here to order or find out more. |
Marketing: Using Email to Reach Your Target Audience and Build
Customer Relationships by Jim Sterne
This excellent book takes you step-by-step through the process
creating a successful permission-based e-mail marketing campaign.
learn how to develop a campaign strategy, how to maximize response
how to advertise on e-newsletters, and much more. The book also
a collection of templates that will help get you up and running
fast. If
you're looking for a comprehensive introduction to e-mail marketing,
is the book! Click
here to order or find out more.
Janal's Guide to Marketing on the Internet : Getting People to Visit,
and Become Customers for Life by Dan Janal
I'm asked what my favorite "getting started" introduction to Internet
marketing is, I don't even hesitate. It's Dan Janal's wonderful
guide. In this super-helpful and extremely easy-to-understand
book, you'll learn proven techniques for increasing sales, keeping
costs low, and building till-death-do-us-part customer loyalty.
In fact, Dan's book is a treasure chest of ideas, tips, and techniques
for selling ANY product or service. I particularly like the chapter
titled "Promoting Your Web Site with Publicity, Advertising, and
Promotions." Lots of extremely good ideas here. This book is the
"best of breed" for sure and you won't be disappointed. Click
here to order or find out more. |
the Chasm: Marketing and Selling High-Tech Products to Mainstream
Customers by Geoffrey A. Moore
fabulous little book has had an enormous impact on the high tech
industry and is required reading in business school marketing
classes all across the country. You see, Geoff Moore's chasm theory
provides a fresh look at the technology adoption life cycle and
its implications for marketers. The book explains how tech products
may initially sell well to "Innovators" and Early Adopters,"
but then fail to penetrate the mass market. The challenge, for
marketing professionals, is to try to "cross the chasm"
to mainstream buyers and the book shows you exactly how to do
it. Geoff draws on examples of successful chasm crossings by Apple,
Tandem, Oracle, Sun, and others. If you are serious about high
tech marketing, this wonderfully written, accessible book makes
must reading. Trust me. You will find Geoff Moore's book fascinating,
stimulating, and downright invaluable! Click
here to order or find out more. |
CLICK HERE for more books you may find of interest
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